The Real World
Our pet project!
What the world needs now more than ever is a new Martin Luther King or a new Che Gevera. Or at least something that encourages us to relate to ourselves and our surroundings with much more love and respect. That’s where The Real World comes in. The Real World shows the real world behind our mind bugs. By facilitating meaningful new encounters between people and entrepreneurs from all walks of life The Real World stimulates investigation of our prejudices and limiting premature judgments regarding people and life in general that are not based on facts but fuckery. To make room for inspiration, critical personal insights and community sense.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply
At one point Miesiyu as an agency realized that in order to reinforce its impact it had to create a more physical, more tangible shape for our conviction that businesses need to impact society and society needs to impact businesses. Because knowing is not enough. We must apply. Being willing is not enough. We must do.
If we’re forced to roll with strangers
It started with a black belt Kyokushinkai sensei with which Miesiyu started a close cooperation (check our sister company Miesiyu Sports). Due to unfortunate circumstances this man was forced to continuously mix all of his clients. Professional fighters had to train with plain housewives, juvenile delinquents with CEO’s and overweight teenagers with grumpy old men. Everyone was encouraged to engage closely with individuals who were not fully aligned with their own ideas and behaviors, that had other opinions and beliefs or had different future perspectives.
Thé disarming remedy against our mind bugs
It’s at that moment we learned that meaningful physical interaction between people from all walks of life is thé disarming remedy against racism, sexism, homophobia, stereotyping and other socially degrading thoughts and behavior. Because action does in fact speak louder. This became the fundamental essence of our newborn living and breathing catalyst for social change: The Real World.

Pictures of photographer Richard Renaldi
Photographic work used to visualise this concept is created by Richard Renaldi. The pictures are part of his exhibition Touching Strangers. Since 2007, he has been working on a series of photographs that involve approaching and asking complete strangers to physically interact while posing together for a portrait. Renaldi creates spontaneous and fleeting relationships between strangers for the camera, often pushing his subjects beyond their comfort levels. The resulting photographs are moving and provocative and raise profound questions about the possibilities for positive human connection in a diverse society. Which is exactly why they so perfectly underline The Real World’s vision and mission.